I've had non-invasive cervical traction, another MRI, and a spinal tap (ew!) But we still need more information. So, the next step is to head to New York for Invasive Cervical Traction. I'll be leaving Sunday, November 2 with my mom and my grandma. I'll be in the hospital Monday through Wednesday or Thursday. We'll be flying home on Friday. From what I've learned so far, this requires a procedure to be done in the hospital room under local anesthetic where 2 pins are placed in the skull. I'll then be placed in a halo device, which I'll wear for 3-4 days. This will simulate the outcome of a cranio-cervical fusion. If my symptoms are decreased, the surgery is likely to be helpful. So, this will help the doctors determine which operation will be the most helpful for me. If this works, I'll most likely need the odontoidectomy and the fusion. The revision surgery is still also an option. So, we'll wait and find out how this goes. And yes, I'm very scared.